Monday, March 29, 2010

Under the Things That I Want to Remember category

Eily adds an "n" to a lot of her words. She says, "Claire sleepin' in the darkin'. She also says, I'm stuckin,' instead of I'm stuck.


  1. Adorable! I'm missin my yunguns!HA

  2. Precious :) reminds me of how we loved Tommy's trouble with pronouncing "r" - I mean it was cute - we were happy that speach therapy corrected the problem, but it is still a good memory.

    I do not think this will be a future problem for Eily, but is baby cute.

    In Brazil,Portuguese language, words ending in "e" that are usually silent in English are pronouced with "long e sound" So it is so "cute" when Dr. Fabio speaks English he sometimes pronounces a silent "e" - He is amazing and wants me to correct him and teach him slang - so I am making him "Southern USA" - he is already more south since he is in South America LOL

    Good grief, I am motor mouth this morning...

  3. I love this. I'm going to start talking this way.
