Thursday, April 01, 2010

A Plea for Understanding

I promise I haven't forgotten, it's just that I'm busy. Really, I am. The kind of busy that makes your chest feel heavy and your head feel like it's getting closer and closer to the top of the water- but you are heading down, not up.

It may be sporadic between yesterday and the end of this month but if I can just get there, I'll post till your eyes get dizzy and you are seeing spots.

Happy April Fools and Happy Birthday, Nana!!

1 comment:

  1. April Fools day is also your Uncle Lewis' birthday - I intend to post some pictures on Facebook one of these days - I really have been too overwhelmed with different things to post there - but who isn't busy?? so no excuse for me.

    Belated Happy Birthday to Nana.
