Friday, August 06, 2010

Food Diary

My friend, Joanna, wrote me after this post and said that I should feature a recipe that I make once a month or so. It's a great idea that I love but have never actually put into effect. So, Joanna, here is Food Diary entry #1.  Marsala Mushroom Chicken or Something Else That You Think of That's Clever.

First you sprinkle a nice layer of instant rice in the bottom of a casserole dish.

Usually, I chop mushrooms but I was out of mushrooms so I decided to use an eggplant and see what would happen. It was not a wise decision.
Chop your mushrooms eggplant and toss in a saute pan.

Add in 3 tbls or so of butter and let the butter melt and the mushrooms  eggplant soften.

Shred a rotisserie chicken and sprinkle over the rice.

Now that the butter has melted and the softening has taken place, add about a cup of Marsala wine and maybe about half a cup of heavy cream. I just eyeball the mixture so I'm not exactly sure of the measurements.

Then add about 2 tbls of flour and let the mixture thicken.

Sprinkle in a little parsley, pepper and salt.

Pour the mushroom eggplant mixture over the rice and chicken.

Cover with foil and bake for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Then grate (or sprinkle) parmesan cheese over the top and bake for another 5 minutes or so.

With mushrooms, this is some serious yum. No one liked the eggplant. It was very bitter and chewy. Next time I'll just do without instead of trying to come up with a substitute.


  1. Love this idea..This looks soo delicious..and I might copy you sometime..:)

  2. I think I have had the original kind at your house before and it was some kind of serious yummmmmmm

  3. Bekah, the eggplant is GREAT with tomato based dishes. I don't even peel my eggplant.Just chop like you did. the peel gets very tender. doesn't seem bitter with tomato.

    saute the eggplant, add salt, garlic salt and pepper. saute mushrooms with it. Add the cooked chicken in and then dump a can of diced tomatoes.
    of course on my diet, I can not have eggplant right now. I miss it!!!

  4. The eggplant was probably bitter because it was overripe, which it usually is by the time it makes it to the store. Non-overripe eggplant is actually kind of sweet. Look for eggplant that is springy and firm to the touch-- if it has some 'give' it's probably overripe.
