Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So it's a little late....

Dear Eily,
Mommy really messed up on this one and didn't make your birthday montage until four months after your birthday. In fact, if Daddy hadn't requested it I probably would have forgotten about it completely.

You are something else. We thought Claire had a strong personality but we didn't have any idea what was in store for us with Eily. You are incredibly independent. Your signature sentence could be, "No, no. I can do it." And then you do. You are smart and you are a smarty pants. Your speech has been so advanced for your age but unfortunately so has your sauciness. You keep us on our toes, that's for sure.

You love your sisters, wholly and completely. You call them "my gors" and are very lost when they go visit somewhere without you. You fight and argue but you also laugh and giggle. I'm so glad that you ended up being our third girl. What fun to watch you all play together and grow closer.

You can count to 15, say the alphabet and the Pledge of Allegiance and somehow, without any help from Mommy, you have learned some of your letters.

I can't wait to see what all you learn in your third year of life. We love our Eily Edith, our Thumper, our Pee Wee, our Evil Edith, our Necked Frog,
our baby girl.


  1. o.k. I'm wimpy....wiping tears. This is so adorable. love that baby!!!!
    Thanks for getting me choked up at bedtime!LOL

  2. Rachel7:18 PM

    That about made me cry. She is so cute. Those are some very "Eily" pictures. It captures her completely.

  3. Aww.. Loved that.. and love that sweet little girl..

  4. Oh Bekah, that's so adorable. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :) Man, that girl has got some cheeks!
