Monday, August 30, 2010

Today was our first official day of school. It really was a lot of fun. Claire woke up bright, shining and ready to go. Elaina? Not so much.

Yes. She posed herself.


  1. yay for back to school! and congrats on being pregnant! So happy for you! :)

  2. how cute. what time did school start?
    They look so cute.
    Bubba got up from bed just to see these pictures:)
    What did Eily do while they had school?
    Fill me in:))

  3. We didn't get up until 8 and school started at 9. I don't know why Elaina had such a hard time waking up this morning.

  4. Rachel5:52 AM

    That is really funny. I was scrolling down slowly thinking how excited Claire looks and ready to go. Then got to Elaina's picture. Not quite the same excitment there. Funny.

  5. Rachel7:19 PM

    Just noticed that Elaina is standing on a potty. Funny.

  6. Rachel7:19 PM

    Just noticed that Elaina is standing on a potty. Funny.

  7. Aww.. Hope y'all have a great year! Looking forward to hearing about all they learn!!
