Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Few Things

It's not that I forgot. I tried several times to post but it wouldn't download the pictures I wanted to add to the post. I think it's because I had used photoshop to make them look crisp and nice and apparently that's too much for blogger to handle. I will try again later and if it doesn't work this time I think I will just use the original photos.

Elaina and Claire are going to be in their first Fun Run this morning. It is half a mile and they are really excited about it. I have been wanting to get Elaina in one for a while but I never could find one for her to do. Their cousin, Aaron, will be doing it with them so I think the whole event will be a fun experience.

Claire is too adorable. And a stinker.

We had an ultrasound this week and I am proud to say we didn't cave and find out what the baby is. The girls are 100% for sure it's a boy because "it looks like a boy in there" but I had to tell them that they all looked like little old men when they were born. Especially miss Claire. They are still convinced it will be a boy and I have to admit I think of it as a boy also but I expect it to be a girl when it is born. It's just a habit. My babies are born. My babies are girls.

Everyone have a happy day today. That's an order!


  1. great post! Are you going to be able to put pictures of the race up?

  2. I know how you feel. Except in reverse.
    Davis was the only one of the boys we had an ultrasound on. When the tech saw him (and there was No Doubt about it), she just burst out laughing and said, "Well, you just can't have anything but boys!"

  3. I "bred" boys as well!ha. Thanks Bek for all the girls:) we LOVE them!!!
    of course we love boys and girls...but the girls have been so sweet and special...and you sure do make pretty and talented ones:)
