Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This week on Insanity...

Mommy is on the war path today. I am so tired of their whining and complaining. GET ALONG WITH EACH OTHER.

This is strange. Our answering machine just came on. No ringing and no message was left. Very odd.

Ok, back to de-stressing. This week is a crazy week. Everyday seems to have a jam packed schedule and we are leaving soon to go to Tennessee for my cousin's graduation party and then Christmas with Jason's family. My sweet, sweet grandmother was listening to me and my sister talk Sunday night after church about this upcoming week and she told me to send all my laundry and ironing to her house with Dad so she can have it ready for us before we have to leave. That's the kind of woman she is. Selfless and aware of what needs to be done. She's the coolest grandma ever. So today I'm trying to get all the laundry done so that at least she won't have to mess with that part of it all.

We had Christmas here this morning. Last night, Lala came to watch the girls and Jason and I went to Fort Smith to buy some presents and stocking stuffers. It was fun. We came home after the girls were asleep and we wrapped presents, stuffed stockings and cleaned the Living Room so that it would sparkle for the festivities.

The girls had made these snowflakes with Lala while we were shopping.

It looked a lot like a little Christmas wonderland.

It's a blurry picture but the stockings were sweet looking.

Hopefully, by next year I will have Elaina's stocking made. My goal is a stocking a year.

Waiting for the gate to be removed so that they can see the presents.

 These are the expressions we were hoping for.

 Even Charlie got something!
 Her most wanted item this year.

It was a lot of fun.  Now back to the crazy schedule and the crazy mommy. I'll see all you family from Tennessee very soon!!!


  1. wow!!! a wonderful evening and day that y'all had. Great pictures.

  2. this post made my eyes teary! What a sweet family and love in the air;0
    great pics and post!

    I MISS my small kids:0 Our house was sooo fun when the boys were small. They fussed all the time too, but it was a HOME;0


    you are coming to the grad party??? sweeeeeet!

  4. Cute, Cute, CUTE Pictures!! Love it! Can't wait to see ya'll!!
