Saturday, July 23, 2011

The air conditioner is out and I am so hot that I almost feel unable to type. There really hasn't been much going on that's news worthy. Thus the lack of posts.

Ha. Elaina just pressed herself against the glass door on the front of a house and said, "Oh, this is cold. It feels so good." She looks like a bug squished against the glass.

We have been super, duper busy every day. Monday through Friday we had swimming lessons and a few other days in the week we also had gymnastics, tap and ballet and then gymnastics again. Then we always have to run errands, shop, etc... and then come home and try to get some housework done.  Swimming lessons are draining because Claire cries and screams the whole time. But despite the drama, all three girls have learned how to swim free-style in one week. I love it. I'm hoping by the end of next week I'll have a couple of beginner divers.  Next week is our last busy week where we have to be gone every day. Hallelujah. After that, the gym activities will all be at the same time on one day and the rest of the days we can stay home if we need to and I can get caught up on the housework and the laundry. And then, in three weeks.......we start school! I'm so ready and so excited and so eager to get started. I am ready for routine again. We have traveled so much this summer and had a great time but I am sufficiently traveled out.

Well, I am signing off since we once again have to get out the door and go somewhere.

Oh yeah. And I got a haircut that Jason deemed "the best haircut I've had in years." :)


  1. awwwwwww, don't ya love life:) you will miss all the drama later in life...then, God in HIS mercy...will gift you with grandbabies and you feel alive again:)

  2. post a picture of your hair. the cell pic wasn't a good one.

  3. Claire is screaming? How does she learn? Did you mean Nora? I'm confused...

  4. BeBe explained... so now I know LOL
