Monday, July 25, 2011

Swimming Lessons 2011

Claire has come along way from last week where all she would do is scream and cry between her turns to swim.


  1. Melanie Hodges6:58 AM

    What a cute video, Rebekah! Claire has come a long way, so it seems. Josiah [4 1/2] did the same exact thing about screaming and clinging to your neck for dear life when in the pool, but this past week, he decided to surprise us. He was standing on the edge of the pool reciting a clip from Toy Story where Buzz is trying to convince them he could fly. He said "To infinity and beyond!" Then jumped into the pool! Then, did it about 20 more times...tickled us!

  2. o.k. call it grandma love...I'm teary eyed!!! They are all 3 doing so well! I'm excited and full of love right now:)

  3. FANTASTIC!!! I am proud of all of them :)

  4. forgot to say, Eily & Claire's teacher looks a lot like me before I lost some weight, Goo agreed.
