Sunday, December 11, 2011

All 99 of them

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the super-duper talented Gabe met us in Van Buren for our first family photo shoot in 4 years. (complete picture-scheduler fail) It went very well, considering the number of children and the ages of those children. We only had one melt down which in my opinion equals a stress free event.

We love them, Gabe. Thank you ever so much.

Click here to see all 99 photos. :)


  1. Awesome pictures Rebekah! You have a beautiful family!

  2. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Great photos! - leah

  3. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I just spent an HOUR looking at ALL the pictures on their sight... As i looked through your pics i thought of the Fullmers and thought that these look like pics on the girls FB... then AFTER looking at Stephanie adn Luke's ADORABLENESS!!! I clicked behind the lens adn low and behold I was delighted to see some familar faces! OH! you pictures are perfectly you! LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!A+A=E <3
