Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas is a coming, la, la, la, la, la...

This was Christmas last year:  Click here. It was so much fun. Today, Jason and I decided tomorrow morning would be our Christmas this year and we have peen prepping all day. I have cleaned and folded laundry and we have been wrapping and sneaking around stuffing stockings. I am a firm believer of a full stocking. I think it is a side effect of stockings from my childhood that were made to look full but really the present sticking out the top was the the only goodie in the bag. The rest was wadded up newspaper. I was disheartened each year even though I fully knew what to expect.

Egg nog: check
Presents: check
Hot Chocolate: check
Donuts: check
Full stockings: check
Fat, happy baby babbling in my lap: check


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