Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Night Lights

My Brother-in-law coaches the football team that's playing our town's team tonight. So, in a moment of brilliance, I realized that this was the perfect opportunity to have a quick, but still fun and exciting, joint party for Elaina and Claire. We do big birthdays at 5 and 10 (and more but I haven't thought that far yet) and the girls are turning 6 and 7. Seven?!! Are you kidding me?! The plan is to eat supper, sing Happy Birthday, open a few presents and then eat a brownie cake. Then most of the crowd will head to the football game while the rest of us weenies stay here at the house. Babies + football games = no fun for Mamas. I'm sure I'll take pictures so be looking for a follow-up post soon.
Happy Weekend!

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