Thursday, September 20, 2012

Good Morning! This is one of those mornings that would be wonderful to curl up on the couch with a blanket and sleep for a couple of hours, but it's also the kind of morning that inspires organization and cleaning. I have all the windows open and the fans on and the smell of fresh, clean air is blowing about the house. I love it. It's my favorite.
It's sort of Birthday Week at our house. This year the birthdays fall on Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday so technically it's two different weeks but...oh well. I still like to call it Birthday Week. I need to get busy on Claire and Elaina's birthday videos. Any good song suggestions other than the obvious (I already used it) tunes? I have a couple in mind but I'm not sold on them. Because our desktop is so slow, I always put off making the videos until the last second but it's really much better to do it earlier. If I have a good song I'm more inspired to sit in the computer chair for a couple of hours.


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