Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mail time!

I LOVE checking the mail. I find it exciting even if all we get is bills and junk mail.
Well, let me tell you about today's mail. It was The Best. I got a Boden catalogue, Jason got an acceptance letter into a pretty big show, the three older girls got their new backpacks for Wednesday School, I got a free sample from Costo containing two diapers, and best of all, this came.

It had nothing with it to tell me who it's from but I have a suspicion or two. I can only imagine that whoever sent it reads this blog so to You, thank you so much. I am so, so excited. This is one of those presents that I literally hold against my heart every now and then in excitement. I am very grateful and SO EXCITED!!!!


  1. What a GREAT surprise!

  2. wow, that was a great mail day! let me know on the backpacks.

  3. That is a fantastic mail day! Getting stuff in the mail is the best!
