Thursday, September 27, 2012

Nature Center

We went to the Nature Center on Elaina's birthday to make the day a little more than ordinary.
It was a beautiful day and we made the most of it. We saw a white mouse, a very large and scary black snake that looked like it wanted to eat Elaina and there was an armadillo hanging out right in the middle of our pathway during our hike. Then all the girls played and splashed in the water and Nora even sat right down, clothing and all. Elaina said it was the best day she's ever had. Success.


  1. Great birthday celebration. I had no idea there was water there. I love the pictures. Good subject matter there.

  2. I've got to take the science kids.

    1. Anna, elaina mentioned something about that to me.

  3. Score, Mom! Happy birthday to your girlies from all of us!!
