Sunday, September 30, 2012

Up close and personal

I took this picture yesterday to send to my cousin to show her how beautiful her birthday gift to me looked on my lips. (Her gift was Burt's Bees lip gloss in two different colors. She has good taste. )
When we were talking on the phone later on, we started laughing about it and commenting on how large my nostrils looked from that angle. Then I noticed how prominent my deviated septum is, too. I knew my nostrils were crooked, but look at the difference in size! No wonder if I move my nose slightly to the left, I can suck twice the amount of air in without even trying. It evens things out. Maybe I should consider that surgery to get it fixed. What do you think? Would it be worth it just to breathe easier? I'm so used to the way I breathe now that I don't think about it, but there is a definite difference when I move my nose.


  1. Could the fact that you have your lips puckered some have anything to do with the way they look?

  2. I also have a deviated septum, and a doctor once told me that the process to fix it is bad enough that you don't want to go through it unless you have to.

  3. Anonymous9:59 AM

    This would have been a great place for a little surprise booger.

  4. Pa had to have it done when I was preg. with Jason...however long ago that was.LOL and I was considering it until I saw what he went thru....not worth it if you don't have to. I will just wear my once broken, crooked nose:)

  5. I would say no unless you are having difficulty breathing. Everybody is more or less asymmetrical anyway, so at least yours isn't noticeable unless we're ... looking for it. ;)
