Thursday, April 25, 2013


I haven't slept much this week and when you don't sleep much, you don't feel like writing blog posts. Yesterday was our very last Wednesday School and it was a nice feeling to be finished but also sad to think that something we have been doing for 15 years has come to an end. Alisa, Rachel and I sent the kids away with various people and then we organized, purged and cleaned the building. Then I came home and did the same thing here with all our school items from this past year. I was a little amazed that I was able to find two trash bags of things to throw out even though I had completely purged the house a couple of weeks ago. It just goes to show there is always something you can get rid of. I still need to go through the dress up clothes and the scrap paper drawer before I can call it quits and that's on the schedule for today. Our realtor is coming tomorrow morning to take pictures and get us back on the market. Please pray that someone will buy our house this year.

Nora is adorable and I love her lots, but if she doesn't start sleeping through the night again, this blog may just die. I'M SO TIRED!


  1. "There is always something you can get rid of." So true! I was amazed that after getting rid of heaps of stuff before the move, I still took a load to Goodwill after the move. Now, four months later, I could take another truckload.

    Praying that your house sells and that Nora sleeps. Love you.

  2. When I get back, I'll try to help more. Maybe you can get a nap
