Monday, October 06, 2014

Hey! Look at me!

Posting twice so close together is just unheard of for me these days. I'm just feeling so much better and ever since 8:30 last night, I have been productivity city. It was good to take some time off from the things that usually fill my day and just let myself relax. I mean, I still cleaned (sort of) and fed kids and watched over the girls' schoolwork, but I only did the bare minimal. So now, I have a very dusty house, very filthy toilets, and very dirty floors. But I also have the drive to change that situation AND... I have the time because today WE DON'T HAVE TO GO ANYWHERE. Let me repeat that. WE DON'T HAVE TO GO ANYWHERE. For the most part, I'm a doer and a goer, but sometimes I need a day or two to just stay home and get things accomplished. It's looking to be lovely weather today so I'm guessing that once the ground dries off, we will be spending a majority of the day outside. Happy Monday, everyone!

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