Monday, October 27, 2014

So, to sum it up...

I'm not good at posting. Not right now, anyway. I'm still climbing out of this strange funk that seems to not want to leave me alone. I can tell that I am traveling upwards and not downwards, though, and I am very encouraged about that.
Last Thursday, we ditched school and went on a field trip instead. It was extra fun because Jason was able to come with us. That was a first. (Sadly, I think the act of taking a field trip was also a first.) We went to see the traveling replicas of the Nina and the Pinta. I couldn't believe how small they were. No wonder those sailors went crazy sometimes.

Elaina with her classmate from CC, Alice.

Betsy, Claire, Alice, and Nora

We've had family pictures on the calendar for a little while. Eventually, I thought to check Jason's calendar and sure enough, he was scheduled to be away on that day. The photographer is technically a newborn photographer and only does family photos a few times a year and on specific days, so I wasn't able to change the date. We turned it in to a Sacran children photo session instead. A week or so before Picture Day, Nora decided to ride her horse (Eily) and fell off and scraped her face on the brick that makes up our fireplace. It was a pretty nasty looking scrape but the scab fell off just in time and none of the redness underneath should show up in the photos. 

 I had a harder time than normal coming up with outfits this go-round. I wanted something subdued and girly. And I wanted Elaina's outfit to be a little different- to show that she's growing up. I'm not sure that I pulled it off, but they all looked sweet and that's what matters, I guess.

We've been going strong day after day and this is the scene I usually see by the time we get home. I think we are all looking forward to the downtime that's supposedly scheduled after tomorrow. 
It's going to be a Home Sweet Home kind of weekend and Hooray for that!


  1. Glad you're on the moving up stage. I love the pictures of the girls, and elaina does look older in this one. She sure is growing up fast on you. Have a fun filled day!

  2. awww, such sweet pics and post. poor Nora....that HAD to hurt!!!
    how's the kitchen coming?
