Friday, January 01, 2016


New Year.  New memories to make. I don't really make resolutions for the long term, but I do usually make one for the first month or two of the year. This year, it's no sugar for the family until the middle of February. The girls haven't even acted like it's that big of a deal and they are all on board. Jason is SUPER on board which makes me really happy. That will make it so much easier to actually follow through with this resolve. Our family's health really, really needs this. As does my gut.

I am ready for school to start back again. We need the daily routine of it and the push to get out of bed at a decent hour.

Happy New year, everyone. I'm off to make breakfast for the fam.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I think you should blog about the meals you make in order to eliminate sugar. I think that would be very useful.
