Monday, January 04, 2016

Back in the Saddle

Today has been a pretty good day. We got back in our normal routine of things and it was a welcome change to the three-week long break that we just finished. I have actually accomplished everything on my to-do list except exercise, and I will get to that once we get back from getting Jason's van from the car place.

Our new couch came today. I ordered it back in October so I really had no idea what it was going to look like. I mean, I had a vague memory, but not really. The color is less gray and more brown that I remembered, but I still like it. It is very large. Like very, very large, but our living room is pretty big so it's looking alright in its spot.

We've decided not not to put down hardwood floor. It's kind of a hard decision because I was getting $12,000 worth of hardwood for $1000, but the pressure to decide on the type and color was just too much for me. Over Christmas we stayed with Jason's brother and his family and they have stained concrete in their downstairs. We decided to save some money and come out ahead on the insurance by having him come stain ours for us over spring break. This also means that I get to rip up the old, nasty carpet that is currently in our living room. Hooray for that! We still have to hire the floor guys to take out the old flooring and clean up the concrete, but that is significantly cheaper than putting down new hardwood floor. We will also pay his brother some, but it's still much less money than it was going to be. I predict that by the end of 2016, this house will look much different than it does right now. But in a positive way.

Jason got his passport today and will be leaving for China for three weeks in March. Good thing he likes Chinese food. Ha!

We start back with out homeschool co-op next week. I was supposed to have the revamped cleaning schedule ready- not done, and have prepped for the tutor meeting this Thursday- also not done.

One of my goals for 2016 is to blog once a week. So far, I haven't failed. hahah

Happy Monday, everyone!


  1. So so so good to be reading this again.

  2. Sarah5:33 AM

    China!! what??!! How did I not hear about this when I was down? How long is he gonna be over there?
