Thursday, August 31, 2017

School Days

Do y'all remember back when people left comments on blog posts? Those were good times.

Today is my first day home ALL DAY this week. I am super excited about it AND Friday and Saturday have the same thing on the schedule- nothing. Ok, well I do have to run Chloe to the groomer who lives 10 minutes away but that's not really anything. We are going to get the house cleaning caught up, the laundry caught up, and work on our memory work for school. School is going really wells far this year. We are only in the beginning so at any point things could change, but I'm cautiously optimistic. I set the bar very low so we are constantly hitting it. :)

Jason and his artist buddy, John, have started a new thing on their gallery site called Daily Study Auction. They post a new study every couple of days and people can bid on the painting until the timer runs out and the bidding is ended. It's a great way to collect one of their paintings at a very affordable price. You can go to their site by clicking here. You should check it often and see what's new in case they happen to post the painting of your dreams! haha

Morning Time starts in 11 minutes so I need to go get set up and ready. Have a great day!


Sarah Irby said...

Glad you are back in the USA. You gotta let us know if you ate any pizza and if it was any good. Is morning time a set of things you do, or are you just referring to everyone getting up?

Lynn Bruce said...

A comment a comment!