Phillip was kind enough to meet Jason at our house and drive him to his house so that he could unlock the car for us and we could go to the game in one vehicle. We stopped by and picked up Mom who was only going to support Josh.
We arrived at the game first and took our seats in the section of the bleachers reserved for the Away team. boo hiss
I started looking around and noticed that the girls that were playing the home team were blue and white and we were red and black. Hmm. I pointed this out to Mom who pondered the whole situation with me. We eventually decided that we'd better just call Dad and inform him that he had gotten the wrong information and Magazine must be playing in another town altogether. His answer? "Nope. I just wanted to see County Line play."
So we cheered and watched and received curious look from the parents of the away team. And we drank coke and ate M&M's and had a maahvelous time.
how sweet. She's so excited. Claire is actually watching the game:)
That was a funny feeling to go in there expecting Magazine, and it is County Line and Fort Smith. Was a good game though. Made Mark stay until the last buzzer sounded. He likes to leave right before the croud starts. The nice thing about going, though, is that I really did not care who won. Nice feeling there, no worries.
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